How to use Launch i-TPMS App?

Launch i-TPMS provides professional and comprehensive TPMS services for repair shops to develop their TPMS business. It can program LAUNCH LTR RF sensors for unlimited times to replace OE sensors. The sensor data can be read instantly and accurately, including sensor ID, tire pressure, tire temperature, battery status, etc

1. What is the difference between Launch  i-TPMS and the old TSGUN product?

Functionally it is the same. But TSGUN must be combined with Launch X431 scanners to perform TPMS function. The device itself is not working. But i-TPMS will combine with Launch X431 scanners. It also works standalone via i-TPMS app .

2. Launch i-TPMS App Download (Only for Android Smartphone users)

For Android system smartphone user, scan the following QR code or the QR code on the back of the i-TPMS device to download and install the i-TPMS app on the phone
 Launch i-TPMS App
3. Launch i-TPMS App Language:
Launch i-TPMS Support Language:   Device language: English and Chinese
i-TPMS App language: Chinese, English, Italian, French, Russian, Spanish, German, Polish, Korean, Japanese, Portuguese, Arabic
[When the app software switches to Chinese, the device will also display Chinese simultaneously. Except for Chinese, the device will all display English. ]
launch itpms app language
4. Launch i-tpms app overview
Launch i-tpms app overview
Launch i-tpms app overview-1
5. How to update Launch i-TPMS Firmware?
how to update launch itpms firmware