How is LAUNCH X431 DPF Regeneration on Commercial Vehicles?

DPF Regeneration is essential for maintaining engine performance and meeting emissions standards.

So, how is DPF Regeneration function on LAUNCH X431?

Here we will show you.


1.When should you regenerate DPF?

Replacement of the exhaust back pressure sensor.

Removal or replacement of the particulate filter.

Removal or replacement of the fuel additive injector.

Removal or replacement of the catalytic oxidizer.

Repair or replacement of the DPF regeneration control module.

When the DPF regeneration warning light is on, perform regeneration after repairs.


2.DPF Regeneration Procedure

1)Connect the Diagnostic Tool to the Vehicle

2)Select the vehicle Engine Model

3)Navigate to DPF Regeneration

4)Start the DPF Regeneration Process

5)Monitor the Process

6)Done Successfully


3.LAUNCH X431 DPF Regeneration

DPF regeneration is available on X431 PAD5 LINK HD and X431 PRO3 LINK HD.

Use DPF Regeneration function on “Local Diagnosis” and “Special Function”.

Upgraded DPF Regeneration function.

Done! Hope this helps!


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