Launch CRT 5011E is a powerful and versatile tool offers 98% coverage of global vehicles with tire pressure system. And this blog is introduce how to update Launch CRT5011E TPMS tool.
Launch CRT5011E TPMS Tool Update Steps
Take out the CRT5011E from carton box and press and hold the start button
Select HELP and open TOOL information
Find SN and CDOE code and record
Take out the SD card from Launch CRT5011E
Insert the SD card into the card reader
Prepare a WIN7 or WIN10 computer and open the PC browser
Go to the link
Download update tool:DIY integration upgrade tool
Install the update tools to the computer
Insert the card reader into the computer
Check select all and follow the language
Select Device Upgrade
Fill in personal email,code and submit
Select Download and wait for the next reading bar to complete
Install OK, then quit
Unplug the card reader from the computer
Take out the SD card and insert into Launch CRT 5011E
Start the machine and read the bar,and wait for the upgrade to complete