How to Virgin Mercedes ISM 7G TRONIC with X431 IMMO Plus?

This article is a tutorial on how to virgin Mercedes ISM 7G TRONIC.



Launch X431 IMMO Plus

Launch X431 X-PROG3

Launch MCU3 Adapter



Turn on X431 IMMO Plus,


IMMO>> European>> Mercedes Benz>> ECU Erasing>> ISM/ DSM/ ESM

Connect module and tools by wiring diagrams.

Read and save module data.

Select “Completely Erase Module”.

Then we have two ways to program it

1.To read old ISM an write to new ISM

2.With diagnostic tool Xentry/ Launch/ Autel to programming to the car just follow the instructions on your diagnostic tool.


Credit to Cars Diagnostic Lab.

Done! That’s how to replace Mercedes ISM 7G using Launch X431 Tools.


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