How to choose Launch X431 PRO3S+ V5.0 vs X431 PRO5?

Newest X431 PRO5 with Smartlink 2.0 VCI, and X431 PRO3S+ V5.0 is new released too, how to choose Launch X431 PRO3S+ V5.0 vs X431 PRO5?What functions do I get with Smartlink that I don’t get with DBScar VII?

Launch X431 Pro3S+ vs X431 Pro5

Item X431 PRO3S+ V5.0

Launch X431 Pro5

Processor 2.0GHz 4-core 2.0GHz 4-core
ROM 64G 64GB(128G expandable)
Battery capacity 7000mAh/3.8v 7000mAh/3/8v
Andriod Version Android 10.0 Android 10.0
Screen Size 10.1 inch 10.1 inch
Screen resolution 1920×1200 1920×1200
Wi-Fi 2.4 & 5 GHz 2.4 & 5GHz
Camera 5.0 MP Pixel Rear Camera Rear 8.0 MP/ Front 5.0 MP
Communication VCI USB/Bluetooth VCI/Bluetooth
VCI DBScar VII SmartLink C
Basic Functions(Read & Clear the codes and data stream) Yes Yes
Service Functions 35+ 50+
Full system diagnostic Yes Yes
Active Test Yes Yes
Auto VIN Yes Yes
Scan VIN/License Yes Yes
Remote Desk Yes Yes
Topology Yes Yes
Online Programming NO Yes, built-in BMW and Benz online programming
Online Coding Yes Yes, BMW, Benz and VAG online coding
Online FFS Activation Yes Yes
Online Calibration & Matching Yes Yes


Yes Yes


Yes Yes
Flash Hidden Function Yes Yes
TSGUN TPMS module Yes, with i-TPMS( or TSGUN) Yes, with i-TPMS( or TSGUN)
X-prog3 IMMO programmer Yes, with X-Prog3 Yes, with X-prog3
Battery Test Yes, with BST360 battery tester Yes with BST360 battery tester
ADAS Yes Yes
Videoscope Yes with VSP600 Yes with VSP600
Heavy duty module Yes with HDIII or Smartlink C V2.0 Truck Module Yes, buy with License+Adapter is OK
Diagnostic Protocols:
Bus Protocols:DoIP/CAN FD Yes
FCA AutoAuth Yes Yes
Tesla software Yes, purchase from Mall Yes, purchase from Mall
Update 2 Years Free Update, after 2 years, 429EUR 2 years update 2 Years Free Update, after 2 years, 429EUR 2 years update
Super remote diagnosis No Yes, but need activation

In Sum:

1. Launch X431 Pro3S+ V5.0 and Launch X431 Pro5 have many similarities, they have the same diagnostic functions, support online coding and FCA Autoauth. All come with 2 years free update. They all supports x-prog3, itpms, bst-360, vsp600, ADAS calibration, ev diagnosis kit.

2. The main difference is that Pro3s+ V5.0 and Pro5 have different VCI. Pro3s+ V5.0 has DBscar VII Bluetooth connector while Pro5 has SmartLink 2.0 VCI. Smartlink VCI can do CAN2.0/J2534/D-PDU, CAN FD DoIP protocols for newer vehicles. And X431 PRO5 can do Benz and BMW online programming, Pro3s+ V5.0 cannot. Smartlink 2.0 can also be used as j2534 passthru for official brand software.

3. They use different heavy-duty module, pro3s+ V5.0 uses Smartlink C V2.0 while PRO5 uses truck cables set with license.

4. PRO3S+ V5.0 don’t support the Super Remote function, NEW PRO5 with Smartlink C can support it, old PRO5 doesn’t, if you have old PRO5 and want to add the Super Remote function please order Launch X431 SmartLink C SmartLink B Remote Diagnostic device.